Videos of Emmett over the years

At the end of each year I like to look back and see what I have done, and this web site helps me to do that. However, I realize that my largest accomplishments go unnoticed on the pages of this site. . . .because I try to keep this space purely professional. As I review the past years, I am most proud of the time I have been able to spend with my son Emmett. Below are some of the videos I have made over the years to help me remember these times.

Click here to see more photos of Emmett.

Emmett is 7 - 8 years old :: 2012 - 2013

Emmett is 6 - 7 years old :: 2011 - 2012

Emmett is 5 years old - 2010

Emmett is 4 years old - 2009