Most recent work :: Project Descriptions
I was invited to speak at the Society for Photographic Education : 2016 National Conference in Las Vegas this year. The topic of discussion was how to best move a photography program into teaching video.
Click here to see the conference promotional materials.
Vantage 509 Salon, in Athens Ohio hosted a collection of my fine art photographs. The gallery reception for this show was held on Saturday 2/6/16.
This gallery is located at 8 North Court Street, Suite 509 in Athens Ohio.
Click here to see the images that are in this show.
Gary Kirksey, and I spent two days together in a photo studio photographing more than 80 quilts that were accepted into The Dairy Barn Arts Center's annual Quilt National Show.
Click here to read more about this project.
Lately I have been documenting my son's everyday life with my phone. I have been teaching myself video shooting and editing processes as I do this. Here is a project that I shot and edited in iMovie on my phone. It's amazing how powerful the tools within the phone have become.
Click here to see "A Day at the Pool" from the summer of 2015.
In early 2015 Danny Twilley and I took ten Ohio University students to Costa Rica to engage in a field study of Ecotourism. My role on the trip was to document the journey.
Click here to see the short video I put together after getting home.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil,
but by those who watch them without doing anything
Albert Einstein
contact me
Sam Girton > Athens Ohio
see previous front doors
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