Talking to AJ
I talked with AJ about various aspects of his heroin use. At the time of the this interveiw (age 28), AJ has been clean for more than two years and has spent alot of time learning about addiction.
Below his picutre are links to .mp3 audio files that you can download and listen to his conversations.
To save these files to your computer, PC users can right-click to save , and Mac users can control-click to save the file.
Why did you get started using heroin? length = 2:27 / 2.8mb
Would a loving relationship with your child prevent all problems? length = 4:26 / 5.1mb
What was your cycle of herion use from good to bad? length = 1:38 / 1.9 mb
AJ talks about how he thought herion cured the flu. length = 2:01 / 2.3 mb
AJ talks about spending $600 a day on heroin. length = 1:00 / 1.2 mb
Describe the scene when you went to buy heroin (powder heroin). length = 4:29 / 5.1 mb
AJ talks about buying "Mexican Tar". length = 3:29 / 4 mb
AJ talks about his warehouse job. length = 3:39 / 4.2 mb
If your daughter were addicted to heroin, what would you do? length = 4:45 / 5.5 mb
Are there certain signs of heroin use to look for? length = 2:55 / 3.4 mb
How were you able to quit using heroin? length = 0:39 / 0.7 mb
AJ talks about how people overdose length = 2:11 / 2.5 mb
How did your wife die? length = 0:20 / 0.4 mb
AJ talks about cultural views of addiction. length = 3:37 / 4.1 mb
AJ remembers job hunting with his father. length = 2:24 / 2.8 mb
AJ talks about working with addicts. length = 2:56 / 3.4 mb